New Office Protocol During COVID-19

For all my clients who continue to see me in person, which I prefer when possible, I’m establishing some new routines in the office to ensure safety. First off, when I can (weather permitting) I will leave the office door open so you don’t have to touch the door. And after the session, I’ll open the doors for you, again, so you won’t need to touch the door knob. I will still be wiping the handles with Clorox before and after each client.

When you enter the therapy room I’m asking that you sit at either the far end of the couch, or on the loveseat, to comply with ‘social distancing’. And when you pay me, please just leave the check or cash on the desk, Also, if you use the restroom, please hang the key back where it came from and I’ll be sure to wipe it off with Clorox as well, but stay aware that it is a public restroom for our suite and I’m not able to know when other tenants and their clients are using it.

I’m also wiping down the couches and love seat before and after each client. Basically anything you touch during the session will be wiped down the Clorox.

Luckily I see mostly one person at a time, and managing the office cleanliness is very doable. I’ve become quite diligent in making sure I’m doing my best to keep us all safe and healthy!

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