Happy life is a little easier…

Obviously no more mask mandate. That’s how long I have neglected this blog. I’m sorry for anyone who has tried to follow me. But in real life I’ve been buys and stayed open in my office to see people in real time. I love to see the faces of my clients! It’s important to me. And, so far, I’ve managed to stay healthy and covid free. I think my strategy has worked. But I realize many therapists have decided to do online therapy and I completely understand. It is just not right for me, yet. You never know. So for now, I’lll keep having people wait outside the front door, and make sure everyone is out before anyone else comes in. I like that, plus I keep the office door open which seems to open up the therapy space more. So for now, all is good, business is good, and life is good! Check out doreenellisart.com to see what I’ve been up to in my spare time. Art for arts sake, or art for balance and play?

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